Daniel Micanek virtual Blog – Like normal Dan, but virtual.
Category: ESXi
The “ESXi” blog category focuses on VMware ESXi, a bare-metal hypervisor provided by VMware. This specific category offers an in-depth look at ESXi, with an emphasis on ESXCLI commands, ESXCLI Mindmap, and VMware Tools version mapping with Release Notes. The content includes detailed guides and tutorials for using ESXCLI commands, essential for efficient management and troubleshooting in ESXi environments. It also features illustrative ESXCLI Mindmaps, helping users better understand and navigate the complex structure of ESXCLI. The section on mapping VMware Tools versions with Release Notes provides useful information about different versions of VMware Tools and their specific features and enhancements.
Hardware machine is configured to boot in legacy BIOS mode.
Booting stops early in the boot process with messages displayed in red on black with wording similar to “Error 10 (Out of resources) while loading module”, “Requested malloc size failed”, or “No free memory”.
“Error 10 (Out of resources) while loading module”, “Requested malloc size failed”, or “No free memory”
VMware’s recommended workaround is to transition the machine to UEFI boot mode permanently, as discussed in KB article 84233 . There will not be a future ESXi change to allow legacy BIOS to work on this machine again.
VMware’s plans to deprecate support for legacy BIOS in server platforms.
If you upgrade a server that was certified and running successfully with legacy BIOS to a newer release of ESXi, it is possible the server will no longer function with that release. For example, some servers may fail to boot with an “Out of resources” message because the newer ESXi release is too large to boot in legacy BIOS mode. Generally, VMware will not provide any fix or workaround for such issues besides either switching the server to UEFI
UEFI provides several advantages over legacy BIOS and aligns with VMware goals for being “secure by default”. UEFI
UEFI Secure Boot, a security standard that helps ensure that the server boots using only software that is trusted by the server manufacturer.
Automatic update of the system boot order during ESXi installation.
After installing Windows Server 2022 update KB5022842 (OS Build 20348.1547), guest OS can not boot up when virtual machine(s) configured with secure boot enabled running on vSphere ESXi 6.7 U2/U3 or vSphere ESXi 7.0.x.
In VM vmware.log, there is ‘Image DENIED’ info like the below:
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 - SECUREBOOT: Signature: 0 in db, 0 in dbx, 1 unrecognized, 0 unsupported alg.
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 - Hash: 0 in db, 0 in dbx.
2023-02-15T05:34:31.379Z In(05) vcpu-0 - SECUREBOOT: Image DENIED.
To identify the location of vmware.log files:
Establish an SSH session to your host. For ESXi hosts
Log in to the ESXi Host CLI using root account.
To list the locations of the configuration files for the virtual machines registered on the host, run the below command:
#vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -i "VM_Name"
The vmware.log file is located in virtual machine folder along with the vmx file.
Record the location of the .vmx configuration file for the virtual machine you are troubleshooting. For example:
Currently there is no resolution for virtual machines running on vSphere ESXi 6.7 U2/U3 and vSphere ESXi 7.0.x. However the issue doesn’t exist with virtual machines running on vSphere ESXi 8.0.x.
[~] /opt/intel/intelmas/intelmas show -intelssd 1
- 1 Intel(R) Optane(TM) SSD 905P Series PHMB839000LW280IGN -
Bootloader : EB3B0416
Capacity : 260.83 GB (280,065,171,456 bytes)
DevicePath : nvmeMgmt-nvmhba5
DeviceStatus : Healthy
Firmware : E201HPS2
FirmwareUpdateAvailable : The selected drive contains current firmware as of this tool release.
Index : 1
MaximumLBA : 547002287
ModelNumber : INTEL SSDPED1D280GAH
NamespaceId : 1
PercentOverProvisioned : 0.00
ProductFamily : Intel(R) Optane(TM) SSD 905P Series
SMARTEnabled : True
SectorDataSize : 512
SerialNumber : PHMB839000LW280IGN
S.M.A.R.T information
[~] /opt/intel/intelmas/intelmas show -nvmelog SmartHealthInfo -intelssd 1
- PHMB839000LW280IGN -
- NVMeLog SMART and Health Information -
Volatile memory backup device has failed : False
Temperature has exceeded a critical threshold : False
Temperature - Celsius : 30
Media is in a read-only mode : False
Power On Hours : 0x0100
Power Cycles : 0x03
Number of Error Info Log Entries : 0x0
Controller Busy Time : 0x0
Available Spare Space has fallen below the threshold : False
Percentage Used : 0
Critical Warnings : 0
Data Units Read : 0x02
Available Spare Threshold Percentage : 0
Data Units Written : 0x0
Unsafe Shutdowns : 0x0
Host Write Commands : 0x0
Device reliability has degraded : False
Available Spare Normalized percentage of the remaining spare capacity available : 100
Media Errors : 0x0
Host Read Commands : 0x017F
Show all the SMART properties for the Intel® SSD at index 1
[~] /opt/intel/intelmas/intelmas show -intelssd 1 -smart
- SMART Attributes PHMB839000LW280IGN -
- B8 -
Action : Pass
Description : End-to-End Error Detection Count
ID : B8
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- C7 -
Action : Pass
Description : CRC Error Count
ID : C7
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- E2 -
Action : Pass
Description : Timed Workload - Media Wear
ID : E2
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- E3 -
Action : Pass
Description : Timed Workload - Host Read/Write Ratio
ID : E3
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- E4 -
Action : Pass
Description : Timed Workload Timer
ID : E4
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- EA -
Action : Pass
Description : Thermal Throttle Status
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
ThrottleStatus : 0 %
ThrottlingEventCount : 0
- F0 -
Action : Pass
Description : Retry Buffer Overflow Count
ID : F0
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- F3 -
Action : Pass
Description : PLI Lock Loss Count
ID : F3
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
- F5 -
Action : Pass
Description : Host Bytes Written
ID : F5
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
Raw (Bytes) : 0
- F6 -
Action : Pass
Description : System Area Life Remaining
ID : F6
Normalized : 100
Raw : 0
Disk firmware update
[~] /opt/intel/intelmas/intelmas load -intelssd 1
WARNING! You have selected to update the drives firmware!
Proceed with the update? (Y|N): Y
Checking for firmware update...
- Intel(R) Optane(TM) SSD 905P Series PHMB839000LW280IGN -
Status : The selected drive contains current firmware as of this tool release.
How to fix network after adding to vDS. When you add NX6412 to vDS and reboot ESXi. I don’t have uplink for vDS. You could check it with:
# esxcfg-vswitch -l
DVS Name Num Ports Used Ports Configured Ports MTU Uplinks
vDS 2560 6 512 9000 vusb0
DVPort ID In Use Client
468 0
469 0
470 0
471 0
We will have to note DVPort ID 468 – example. vDS is name of your vDS switch.
esxcfg-vswitch -P vusb0 -V 468 vDS
It is necessary add it to /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh before exit 0. You could have similar script from source Persisting USB NIC Bindings
vusb0_status=$(esxcli network nic get -n vusb0 | grep 'Link Status' | awk '{print $NF}')
while [[ $count -lt 20 && "${vusb0_status}" != "Up" ]]
sleep 10
count=$(( $count + 1 ))
vusb0_status=$(esxcli network nic get -n vusb0 | grep 'Link Status' | awk '{print $NF}')
esxcfg-vswitch -R
esxcfg-vswitch -P vusb0 -V 468 vDS
exit 0
I am using Intel SSD Optane 900P PCIe in my HomeLAB as ZIL L2ARC drives for TrueNAS, but in July of 2022 Intel announced their intention to wind down the Optane business. I will try summary information about Intel Optane from Simon Todd presentation.
My HomeLAB benchmark Optane 900P -TrueNAS ZIL L2ARC with HDD
Optane help a lot with IOPs for RAID with normal HDD. I reach 2,5GB/s peak write performance.
We call see great write performance for 40GB file size set about 1,7GB/s.
# perftests-nas ; cat iozone.txt
Run began: Sun Dec 18 08:02:39 2022
Record Size 128 kB
File size set to 41943040 kB
Command line used: /usr/local/bin/iozone -r 128 -s 41943040k -i 0 -i 1
Output is in kBytes/sec
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
kB reclen write rewrite read reread
41943040 128 1734542 1364683 2413381 2371527
iozone test complete.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1G count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 1.517452 secs (707595169 bytes/sec) 707 MB/s
# dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=512 count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
512000 bytes transferred in 0.012079 secs (42386853 bytes/sec) 42 MB/s
As announced in Intel’s Q2 2022 earnings, after careful consideration, Intel plans to cease future development of our Optane products. We will continue development of Crow Pass on Sapphire Rapids as we engage with key customers to determine their plans to deploy this product. While we believe Optane is a superb technology, it has become impractical to deliver products at the necessary scale as a single-source supplier of Optane technology.
We are committed to supporting Optane customers and ecosystem partners through the transition of our existing memory and storage product lines through end-of-life. We continue to sell existing Optane products, and support and the 5-year warranty terms from date of sale remain unchanged.
Get to know intel® optane™ technology Source Simon Todd – vExpert – Intel Webinar Slides
What makes Optane SSD’s different?
NAND garbage collection requires background writes. NAND SSD block erase process results in slower writes and inconsistent performance.
Intel® Optane™ technology
Intel® Optane™ technology does not use garbage collection Rapid, in-place writes enable consistently fast response times
Intel® Optane™ SSDs are different by design Source Simon Todd – vExpert – Intel Webinar SlidesConsistent performance, even under heavy write loads Source Simon Todd – vExpert – Intel Webinar Slides
Dies per channel
Raw Capacity
Spare Area
Intel Optane SSD 900p 280GB
336 GB
56 GB
Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X 375GB
448 GB
73 GB
Intel Optane SSD 900p 480GB
560 GB
80 GB
Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X 750GB
896 GB
146 GB
The Optane SSD DC P4800X and the Optane SSD 900p both use the same 7-channel controller, which leads to some unusual drive capacities. The 900p comes with either 3 or 5 memory dies per channel while the P4800X has 4 or 8. All models reserve about 1/6th of the raw capacity for internal use Source
The Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X is slightly faster than the Optane SSD 900p throughout this test, but either is far faster than the flash-based SSDs. Source
TPM_VERSION WARNING: Support for TPM version 1.2 is discontinued. With Apply –no-hardware-warning option to ignore the warnings and proceed with the transaction.
esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/_ISO/ESXi-8.0.1-20842819-USBNIC.zip -p ESXi-8.0.1-20842819-USBNIC --no-hardware-warning
Update Result
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
During VMware Explore 2022 Barcelona, I’ve been given a gift as a vExpert. You could read it in my previous article. NX6412 doesn’t support onboard NICs. We will need Custom ISO with USB Network Native Driver for ESXi. Because of problem using latest PowerCLI 13 release Nov 25, 2022 with export ISO. I decided to install Custom ISO ESXi 7u2e and than upgrade to ESXi 8.0 with depot zip.
Thank You Cohesity. Power consumpion is only 10 Watts …
How to prepare ESXi Custom ISO image 7U2e for NX6412 NUC?
Currently there is a limitation in ESXi where USB NIC bindings are picked up much later in the boot process and to ensure settings are preserved upon a reboot, the following needs to be added to /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh based on your configurations.
vusb0_status=$(esxcli network nic get -n vusb0 | grep 'Link Status' | awk '{print $NF}')
while [[ $count -lt 20 && "${vusb0_status}" != "Up" ]]
sleep 10
count=$(( $count + 1 ))
vusb0_status=$(esxcli network nic get -n vusb0 | grep 'Link Status' | awk '{print $NF}')
esxcfg-vswitch -R
esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/_ISO/ESXi-8.0.0-20513097-USBNIC.zip -p ESXi-8.0.0-20513097-USBNIC
Hardware precheck of profile ESXi-8.0.0-20513097-USBNIC failed with warnings: <TPM_VERSION WARNING: TPM 1.2 device detected. Support for TPM version 1.2 is discontinued. Installation may proceed, but may cause the system to behave unexpectedly.>
You could fix TPM_VERSION WARNING: Support for TPM version 1.2 is discontinued. With Apply –no-hardware-warning option to ignore the warnings and proceed with the transaction.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli daemon entitlement add --help
Usage: esxcli daemon entitlement add [cmd options]
add Add Partner REST entitlements to the partner user.
Cmd options:
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
-r|--read-acccess Grant read access to the partner.
-w|--write-acccess Grant write access to the partner.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli daemon entitlement list --help
Usage: esxcli daemon entitlement list [cmd options]
list List the installed DSDK built daemons.
Cmd options:
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli daemon entitlement remove --help
Usage: esxcli daemon entitlement remove [cmd options]
remove Remove Partner REST entitlments from the partner user.
Cmd options:
Specifies the partner's user name. (required)
-r|--read-acccess Remove read access from the partner.
-w|--write-acccess Remove write access from the partner.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli hardware devicecomponent list --help
Usage: esxcli hardware devicecomponent list [cmd options]
list List all device components on this host.
Cmd options:
esxcli network ip hosts
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli network ip hosts add --help
Usage: esxcli network ip hosts add [cmd options]
add Add association of IP addresses with host names.
Cmd options:
-A|--alias=[ <str> ... ]
The list of aliases of the host.
-C|--comment=<str> Comment line of this item
-H|--hostname=<str> The name of the host. (required)
-I|--ip=<str> The IP address (v4 or v6) of the host. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli network ip hosts list --help
Usage: esxcli network ip hosts list [cmd options]
list List the user specified associations of IP addresses with host names.
Cmd options:
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli network ip hosts remove --help
Usage: esxcli network ip hosts remove [cmd options]
remove Remove association of IP addresses with host names.
Cmd options:
-H|--hostname=<str> The name of the host. (required)
-I|--ip=<str> The IP address (v4 or v6) of the host. (required)
esxcli nvme
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device config list
ol stats list
Name Default Current Description
------------ -------- -------- -----------
logLevel 0 0 Log level of this plugin.
adminTimeout 60000000 60000000 Timeout in microseconds of the admin commands issued by this plugin.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device config set --help
Usage: esxcli nvme device config set [cmd options]
set Set the plugin's parameter
Cmd options:
-p|--parameter=<str> Parameter name (required)
-v|--value=<str> Parameter value (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device log get --help
Usage: esxcli nvme device log get [cmd options]
get Get NVMe log page
Cmd options:
-A|--adapter=<str> Adapter to operate on (required)
-l|--length=<long> Log page length. (required)
-i|--lid=<str> Log page ID. Both decimal number and hexadecimal number are accepted. Hexadecimal number should start with '0x' or '0X'. (required)
-I|--lsi=<long> Log specific ID. The default value is 0.
-s|--lsp=<long> Log specific field. The default value is 0.
-n|--namespace=<long> Namespace ID. The default value is 0xFFFFFFFF.
-o|--offset=<long> Log page offset. The default value is 0.
-p|--path=<str> Log path. If set, the raw log data will be wrote to the specified file. If not set, the log data will be printed in hex format.
-r|--rae=<long> Retain asynchronous event. The default value is 0.
-u|--uuid=<long> UUID index. The default value is 0.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device log persistentevent get
Error: Missing required parameter -a|--action
Missing required parameter -A|--adapter
Usage: esxcli nvme device log persistentevent get [cmd options]
get Get NVMe persistent event log
Cmd options:
-a|--action=<long> Action the controller shall take during processing this command. 0: Read log data. 1: Establish context and read log data. 2: Release context. (required)
-A|--adapter=<str> Adapter to operate on (required)
-p|--path=<str> Persistent event log path. This parameter is required if the --action parameter is 0 or 1.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device log telemetry controller get --help
Usage: esxcli nvme device log telemetry controller get [cmd options]
get Get NVMe telemetry controller-initiated data
Cmd options:
-A|--adapter=<str> Adapter to operate on (required)
-d|--data=<long> Data area to get telemetry data, 3 is selected if not set
-p|--path=<str> Telemetry log path (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli nvme device log telemetry host get --help
Usage: esxcli nvme device log telemetry host get [cmd options]
get Get NVMe telemetry host-initiated data
Cmd options:
-A|--adapter=<str> Adapter to operate on (required)
-d|--data=<long> Data area to get telemetry data, 3 is selected if not set
-p|--path=<str> Telemetry log path (required)
esxcli storage core
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage core nvme device list --help
Usage: esxcli storage core nvme device list [cmd options]
list List the NVMe devices currently registered with the PSA.
Cmd options:
-d|--device=<str> Filter the output of this command to only show a single device.
-o|--exclude-offline If set this flag will exclude the offline devices.
-p|--pe-only If set this flag will list the mount points of PE type.
--skip-slow-fields Do not show the value of some fields that need more time to fetch. The output will show the value <skipped> for such fields.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage core nvme path list --help
Usage: esxcli storage core nvme path list [cmd options]
list List all the NVMe paths on the system.
Cmd options:
-d|--device=<str> Limit the output to paths to a specific device. This name can be any of the UIDs for a specific device.
-p|--path=<str> Limit the output to a specific path. This name can be either the UID or the runtime name of the path.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage core scsi device list
Display Name: Local ATA Disk (t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_M.2_500GB___________S33DNX0J600488T_____)
Has Settable Display Name: true
Size: 476940
Device Type: Direct-Access
Multipath Plugin: HPP
Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_M.2_500GB___________S33DNX0J600488T_____
Vendor: ATA
Model: Samsung SSD 850
Revision: 1B6Q
SCSI Level: 5
Is Pseudo: false
Status: on
Is RDM Capable: false
Is Local: true
Is Removable: false
Is SSD: true
Is VVOL PE: false
Is Offline: false
Is Perennially Reserved: false
Queue Full Sample Size: 0
Queue Full Threshold: 0
Thin Provisioning Status: yes
Attached Filters:
VAAI Status: unsupported
Other UIDs: vml.0100000000533333444e58304a36303034383854202020202053616d73756e
Is Shared Clusterwide: false
Is SAS: false
Is USB: false
Is Boot Device: true
Device Max Queue Depth: 31
IOs with competing worlds: 31
Drive Type: unknown
RAID Level: unknown
Number of Physical Drives: unknown
Protection Enabled: false
PI Activated: false
PI Type: 0
PI Protection Mask: NO PROTECTION
Supported Guard Types: NO GUARD SUPPORT
DIX Enabled: false
Emulated DIX/DIF Enabled: false
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage core scsi path list
UID: sata.vmhba0-sata.0:0-t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_M.2_500GB___________S33DNX0J600488T_____
Runtime Name: vmhba0:C0:T0:L0
Device: t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_M.2_500GB___________S33DNX0J600488T_____
Device Display Name: Local ATA Disk (t10.ATA_____Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_M.2_500GB___________S33DNX0J600488T_____)
Adapter: vmhba0
Controller: Not Applicable
Channel: 0
Target: 0
LUN: 0
Plugin: HPP
State: active
Transport: sata
Adapter Identifier: sata.vmhba0
Target Identifier: sata.0:0
Adapter Transport Details: Unavailable or path is unclaimed
Target Transport Details: Unavailable or path is unclaimed
Maximum IO Size: 33554432
esxcli storage osdata
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage osdata create --help
Usage: esxcli storage osdata create [cmd options]
create Create an OSData partition on a disk.
Cmd options:
--clearpartitions Erase existing partitions and force the operation.
-d|--diskname=<str> Target disk device on which to create the OSData partition. (required)
-m|--mediasize=<str> The size of the created partition.
default: 128 GB
max: Use whole device
min: 32 GB
small: 64 GB
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage vvol stats get --help
Usage: esxcli storage vvol stats get [cmd options]
get Get stats for given stats namespace
Cmd options:
-d|--dump=<str> Dump the stats in log file with given custom message
-e|--entity=<str> entity Id
-n|--namespace=<str> node namespace expression
-r|--raw Enable raw format output
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage vvol stats list --help
Usage: esxcli storage vvol stats list [cmd options]
list List all supported stats
Cmd options:
-n|--namespace=<str> node namespace expression
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli storage vvol vmstats get --help
Usage: esxcli storage vvol vmstats get [cmd options]
get Get the VVol information and statistics for a specific virtual machine.
Cmd options:
-c|--get-config-vvol Get config VVol stats along with data VVols.
-v|--vm-name=<str> Display name of the virtual machine. (required)
esxcli system health report
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system health report get --help
Usage: esxcli system health report get [cmd options]
get Displays one or more health reports
Cmd options:
--all-reports Retrieve all the health reports. The default behavior is to retrieve only the latest health report.
-f|--filename=<str> The absolute path on the ESXi host where the health report(s) should be copied. If multiple reports are specified, they will be concatenated to this file.
-r|--report-names=[ <str> ... ]
Specifies one or more health reports to display. The name(s) of the report can be obtained from the 'esxcli system health report list' command. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system health report list
Name Time
---------------------- ----
vmw.memoryHealth 2022-12-08T01:53:01+00:00
vmw.ssdStorageHealth 2022-12-08T01:53:31+00:00
vmw.coreServicesStatus 2022-12-08T01:54:01+00:00
hostd-health 2022-12-08T01:55:01+00:00
vmw.vpxaStatus 2022-12-08T01:54:31+00:00
vmw.PSODCount 2022-12-08T01:20:01+00:00
vmw.autoscaler 2022-12-08T01:55:01+00:00
esxcli system ntp stats get
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system ntp stats get --help
Usage: esxcli system ntp stats get [cmd options]
get Report operational state of Network Time Protocol Daemon
esxcli system security
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system security keypersistence disable --help
Usage: esxcli system security keypersistence disable [cmd options]
disable Disable key persistence daemon.
Cmd options:
Confirm deletion of all stored keys. This confirmation is required.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings encryption get --help
Usage: esxcli system settings encryption get [cmd options]
get Get the encryption mode and policy.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings encryption recovery list --help
Usage: esxcli system settings encryption recovery list [cmd options]
list List recovery keys.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings encryption recovery rotate --help
Usage: esxcli system settings encryption recovery rotate [cmd options]
rotate Rotate the recover key.
Cmd options:
-k|--keyid=<str> The ID of the new recovery key. If no value is specified, the system will generate a new key.
-u|--uuid=<str> The UUID of the recovery key to be rotated. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings encryption set --help
Usage: esxcli system settings encryption set [cmd options]
set Set the encryption mode and policy.
Cmd options:
-m|--mode=<str> Set the encryption mode.
Require executables to be loaded only from installed VIBs.
Require secure boot.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings gueststore repository get --help
Usage: esxcli system settings gueststore repository get [cmd options]
get Get GuestStore repository.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system settings gueststore repository set --help
Usage: esxcli system settings gueststore repository set [cmd options]
set Set or clear GuestStore repository.
Cmd options:
--url=<str> URL of a repository to set; to clear GuestStore repository, set --url "" (required)
esxcli system syslog config logfilter
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system syslog config logfilter add --help
Usage: esxcli system syslog config logfilter add [cmd options]
add Add a log filter.
Cmd options:
-f|--filter=<str> The filter to be added. Format is: numLogs | ident | logRegexp. 'numLogs' sets the maximum number of log entries for the specified log messages. After reaching this number, the specified log messages are filtered and ignored. 'ident' specifies one or more
system components to apply the filter to the log messages that these components generate. 'logRegexp' specifies a case-sensitive phrase with Python regular expression syntax to filter the log messages by their content. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system syslog config logfilter get --help
Usage: esxcli system syslog config logfilter get [cmd options]
get Show the current log filter configuration values.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system syslog config logfilter list --help
Usage: esxcli system syslog config logfilter list [cmd options]
list Show the added log filters.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system syslog config logfilter remove --help
Usage: esxcli system syslog config logfilter remove [cmd options]
remove Remove a log filter.
Cmd options:
-f|--filter=<str> The filter to be removed. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli system syslog config logfilter set --help
Usage: esxcli system syslog config logfilter set [cmd options]
set Set log filtering configuration options.
Cmd options:
Enable or disable log filtering. (required)
esxcli vsan hardware vcg
[[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan hardware vcg add --help
Usage: esxcli vsan hardware vcg add [cmd options]
add Map unidentified vSAN hardware device with VCG ID.
Cmd options:
-d|--device-id=<str> Unidentified Device ID. It can be seen with command "esxcli storage core device list" (e.g. nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress_8086_Dell_Express_Flash_NVMe_P4610_1.6TB_SFF_BTLN9443030C1P6AGN). (required)
-v|--vcg-id=<long> VCG ID. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan hardware vcg get
Usage: esxcli vsan hardware vcg get [cmd options]
get Get the vSAN VCG ID for a vSAN hardware device. Output is VCG ID while "N/A" means device ID is not mapped.
Cmd options:
-d|--device-id=<str> Unidentified Device ID. It can be seen command "esxcli storage core device list" (e.g. nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress_8086_Dell_Express_Flash_NVMe_P4610_1.6TB_SFF_BTLN9443030C1P6AGN). (required)
esxcli vsan storagepool
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan hardware vcg add --help
Usage: esxcli vsan hardware vcg add [cmd options]
add Map unidentified vSAN hardware device with VCG ID.
Cmd options:
-d|--device-id=<str> Unidentified Device ID. It can be seen with command "esxcli storage core device list" (e.g. nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress_8086_Dell_Express_Flash_NVMe_P4610_1.6TB_SFF_BTLN9443030C1P6AGN). (required)
-v|--vcg-id=<long> VCG ID. (required)
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan storagepool list --help
Usage: esxcli vsan storagepool list [cmd options]
list List vSAN storage pool configuration.
Cmd options:
-d|--device=<str> Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified device name.
-u|--uuid=<str> Filter the output of this command to only show a single device with specified UUID.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan storagepool mount --help
Usage: esxcli vsan storagepool mount [cmd options]
mount Mount vSAN disk from storage pool.
Cmd options:
-d|--disk=[ <str> ... ]
Name of disk to mount from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0. Multiple devices can be provided using format -d device1 -d device2 -d device3.
-u|--uuid=[ <str> ... ]
The vSAN UUID of disk to mount from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5. Multiple UUIDs can be provided using format -u uuid1 -u uuid2 -u uuid3.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan storagepool rebuild --help
Usage: esxcli vsan storagepool rebuild [cmd options]
rebuild Rebuild vSAN storage pool disks.
Cmd options:
-d|--disk=<str> Name of disk to rebuild for use by vSAN storage pool. E.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
Action to take upon removing storage pool from vSAN (default noAction). Available modes are
EnsureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
EvacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
NoAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
-u|--uuid=<str> The vSAN UUID of the disk to rebuild for use by vSAN storage pool. E.g.: 5291022a-ad03-df90-dd0f-b9f980cc005e.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan storagepool remove --help
Usage: esxcli vsan storagepool remove [cmd options]
remove Remove physical disk from storage pool usage. Exactly one of --disk or --uuid param is required.
Cmd options:
-d|--disk=<str> Specify individual vSAN disk to remove from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
Action the vSAN service must take before the disk can be removed (default noAction). Allowed values are:
ensureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before removing the disk.
evacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before removing it.
noAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before removing it.
-f|--force Forcefully remove unhealthy disk that has run into permanent metadata read/write errors.
Use -f|--force option only if remove disk operation failed repeatedly without force option.
Only 'noAction' evacuation mode is supported with -f|--force option.
-u|--uuid=<str> Specify UUID of vSAN disk to remove from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5.
[root@ESXI-8:~] esxcli vsan storagepool unmount --help
Usage: esxcli vsan storagepool unmount [cmd options]
unmount Unmount vSAN disk from storage pool.
Cmd options:
-d|--disk=<str> Name of disk to unmount from storage pool. e.g.: mpx.vmhba2:C0:T1:L0.
Action to take upon unmounting storage pool from vSAN (default noAction). Available modes are
EnsureObjectAccessibility: Evacuate data from the disk to ensure object accessibility in the vSAN cluster, before unmounting the disk.
EvacuateAllData: Evacuate all data from the disk before unmounting it.
NoAction: Do not move vSAN data out of the disk before unmounting it.
-f|--force Forcefully unmount unhealthy disk that has run into permanent metadata read/write errors.
Use -f|--force option only if unmount disk operation failed repeatedly without force option.
Only 'noAction' evacuation mode is supported with -f|--force option.
-u|--uuid=<str> The vSAN UUID of disk to unmount from storage pool. e.g.: 52afa1de-4240-d5d6-17f9-8af1ec8509e5.