ESXCLI full commands list for ESXi 6.x

For reference ESXCLI full commands list for ESXi 8.0.

For reference ESXCLI full commands list for ESXi 7.0.

ESXi 6.x ESXCLI Command Reference

The ESXCLI command set allows you to run common system administration commands against vSphere systems from an administration server of your choice. The actual list of commands depends on the system that you are running on. Run esxcli --help for a list of commands on your system.
Command groupsCMDDescription
deviceadd Add a device to enable a software device driver.
device aliasget Display hardware location info for a device alias.
device aliaslist List device aliases.
device driverlist Show driver status for specific devices.
device softwareadd Add a device to enable a software device driver.
device softwarelist List software devices.
device softwareremove Remove a software device.
esxcli commandlist List all of the esxcli commands.
fcoe adapterlist List FCOE-capable CNA devices.
fcoe adapterremove Initiate FCOE adapter removal.
fcoe nicdisable Disable rediscovery of FCOE storage on behalf of an FCOE-capable CNA upon next boot.
fcoe nicdiscover Initiate FCOE adapter discovery on behalf of an FCOE-capable CNA.
fcoe nicenable Enable an FCOE-capable NIC if it is disabled.
fcoe niclist List FCOE-capable CNA devices.
fcoe nicremove Initiate FCOE device destroy on behalf of an FCOE-capable PNIC.
fcoe nicset Set options on FCOE-capable CNA.
graphics devicelist List all of the graphics devices on this host.
graphics device statslist List graphics device statistics.
graphics hostget Get host graphics properties.
graphics hostrefresh Refresh host graphics properties.
graphics hostset Set host graphics properties.
graphics vmlist List active VMs associated with graphics devices.
hardware bootdevicelist List the boot device order, if available, for this host.
hardware clockget Disply the current hardware clock time.
hardware clockset Set the hardware clock time. Any missing parameters will default to the current time.
hardware cpu cpuidget Get subset of CPUID fields for a CPU (deprecated, use: esxcli hardware cpu cpuid raw list).
hardware cpu cpuid rawlist Get all CPUID fields for a CPU.
hardware cpu globalget Get properties that are global to all CPUs.
hardware cpu globalset Set properties that are global to all CPUs.
hardware cpulist List all of the CPUs on this host.
hardware ipmi bmcget Get IPMI Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) properties.
hardware ipmi bmcset Set IPMI Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) properties. Changes take effect immediately.
hardware ipmi fruget Get IPMI Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) device details.
hardware ipmi frulist List IPMI Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory.
hardware ipmi sdrget Get IPMI Sensor Data Repository (SDR) properties.
hardware ipmi sdrlist List IPMI Sensor Data Repository.
hardware ipmi selclear Clear IPMI System Event Log.
hardware ipmi selget Get IPMI System Event Log (SEL) properties.
hardware ipmi sellist List IPMI System Event Log.
hardware memoryget Get information about memory.
hardware pcilist List all of the PCI devices on this host.
hardware platformget Get information about the platform
hardware power policy choiceslist List the power policies.
hardware power policyget Display the current power policy.
hardware power policyset Set the power policy.
hardware smartcard certificatelist Certificates from inserted smart cards.
hardware smartcard infoget Information about the smart card subsystem.
hardware smartcard slotlist Information about connected smart card readers.
hardware smartcard tokenlist Information about inserted smart cards.
hardware tpm tagclear Clear the TPM's tag (at index 0x40000010).
hardware tpm tagget Get the TPM's tag (from index 0x40000010).
hardware tpm tagset Set the TPM's tag (at index 0x40000010).
hardware trustedbootget Information about the status of trusted boot. (TPM, DRTM status)
hardware usb passthrough devicedisable Disable usb passthrough
hardware usb passthrough deviceenable Enable usb passthrough
hardware usb passthrough devicelist List usb devices and their passthrough status
iscsi adapter auth chapget Get the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter auth chapset Set the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter capabilitiesget List the iSCSI details for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter discoveryrediscover Do the iSCSI Discovery for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter discovery sendtargetadd Add a sendtarget address
iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget auth chapget Get iSCSI CHAP authentication on a sendtarget address
iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget auth chapset Set iSCSI CHAP authentication on a sendtarget address
iscsi adapter discovery sendtargetlist List sendtarget addresses
iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget paramget Get iSCSI parameter on a sendtarget address
iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget paramset Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Sendtarget.
iscsi adapter discovery sendtargetremove Remove a sendtarget address
iscsi adapter discovery statictargetadd Add a static target address
iscsi adapter discovery statictargetlist List static target addresses
iscsi adapter discovery statictargetremove Remove a static target
iscsi adapter discovery statusget Get the iSCSI adapter discovery status for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter firmwareget Validate the iSCSI firmware for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter firmwareset Upload the iSCSI firmware for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapterget List the iSCSI information for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapterlist List all the iSCSI Host Bus Adapters on the system.
iscsi adapter paramget Get the iSCSI parameters for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter paramset Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapterset Set the iSCSI name and alias for the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter.
iscsi adapter targetlist List iSCSI targets.
iscsi adapter target lunlist Get iSCSI LUN information
iscsi adapter target portal auth chapget Get iSCSI CHAP authentication on a target
iscsi adapter target portal auth chapset Set the iSCSI CHAP authentication for the iSCSI Target.
iscsi adapter target portallist List iSCSI target portals.
iscsi adapter target portal paramget Get iSCSI parameter on a target
iscsi adapter target portal paramset Set the iSCSI parameter for the iSCSI Target.
iscsi ibftbootget Get iSCSI IBFT Boot details.
iscsi ibftbootimport Import iSCSI target configuration from iBFT to ESX iSCSI initiators. The boot target recorded in iBFT is added to all the eligible 'dependent' iSCSI adapters.
iscsi logicalnetworkportallist List Logical Network Portals for iSCSI Adapter
iscsi networkportaladd Add a network portal for iSCSI adapter
iscsi networkportal ipconfigget Get iSCSI network portal ipv4 configuration
iscsi networkportal ipconfigset Set iSCSI network portal IPv4 configuration.
iscsi networkportal ipv6config addressadd Add IPv6 addresses to the given iSCSI network portal.
iscsi networkportal ipv6config addresslist List the IPv6 addresses assigned to the iSCSI network portal.
iscsi networkportal ipv6config addressremove Remove IPv6 addresses from the given iSCSI network portal.
iscsi networkportal ipv6configget Get iSCSI network portal ipv6 configuration
iscsi networkportal ipv6configset Set iSCSI network portal IPv6 configuration.
iscsi networkportallist List Network Portal for iSCSI Adapter
iscsi networkportalremove Remove a network portal for iSCSI adapter
iscsi physicalnetworkportallist List Physical Network Portal for iSCSI Adapter
iscsi physicalnetworkportal paramget Get network parameters on a Physical Network Portal (vmnic)
iscsi physicalnetworkportal paramset Set network parameter on a Physical Network Portal
iscsi pluginlist List IMA plugins.
iscsi sessionadd Login sessions on current iSCSI configuration.
iscsi session connectionlist List iSCSI connections.
iscsi sessionlist List iSCSI Sessions.
iscsi sessionremove Logout sessions on current iSCSI configuration.
iscsi softwareget Software iSCSI information.
iscsi softwareset Enable or disable software iSCSI.
network diagping Send ICMP echo requests to network hosts.
network ens lcoreadd Create ENS context.
network ens lcore affinityget Get the affinity for given ENS context.
network ens lcore affinityset Set affinity for given ENS context.
network ens lcorelist List ENS contexts.
network ens lcoreremove Destroy ENS context.
network ens lcore switchadd Associate given ENS context with given switch.
network ens lcore switchget Get the switch associated with given ENS context.
network ens lcore switchremove Disassociate given ENS context from virtual switch.
network ens maxLcoresget Get the maximum number of ENS contexts (lcores).
network ens maxLcoresset Set the maximum number of ENS contexts.
network firewallget Get the firewall status.
network firewallload Load firewall module and rulesets configuration.
network firewallrefresh Load ruleset configuration for firewall.
network firewall ruleset allowedipadd Add allowed ip address/range to the ruleset ruleset.
network firewall ruleset allowediplist list allowed ip addresses for rulesets.
network firewall ruleset allowedipremove Remove allowed ip address/range from the ruleset.
network firewall ruleset clientadd Add a new client to a firewall ruleset. This enables the firewall ruleset and increments the number of clients using the ruleset.
network firewall ruleset clientget Show the number of clients using a firewall ruleset.
network firewall ruleset clientremove Remove a client from a firewall ruleset. This decrements the number of clients using the ruleset and if the number reaches zero the ruleset is disabled.
network firewall rulesetlist List the rulesets in firewall.
network firewall ruleset rulelist List the rules of each ruleset in firewall.
network firewall rulesetset Set firewall ruleset status (allowedAll flag and enabled status).
network firewallset Set firewall enabled status and default action.
network firewallunload Allow unload firewall module.
network ip connectionlist List active TCP/IP connections
network ip dns searchadd Add a search domain to the list of domains to be searched when trying to resolve an host name on the ESXi host.
network ip dns searchlist List the search domains currently configured on the ESXi host in the order in which they will be used when searching.
network ip dns searchremove Remove a search domain from the list of domains to be searched when trying to resolve an host name on the ESXi host.
network ip dns serveradd Add a new DNS server to the end of the list of DNS servers to use for this ESXi host.
network ip dns serverlist Print a list of the DNS server currently configured on the system in the order in which they will be used.
network ip dns serverremove Remove a DNS server from the list of DNS servers to use for this ESXi host.
network ipget Get global IP settings
network ip interfaceadd Add a new VMkernel network interface.
network ip interface ipv4 addresslist List the IPv4 addresses assigned to VMkernel network interfaces.
network ip interface ipv4get List the IPv4 addresses assigned to VMkernel network interfaces.
network ip interface ipv4set Configure IPv4 setting for a given VMkernel network interface.
network ip interface ipv6 addressadd Add a static IPv6 address to a given VMkernel network interface.
network ip interface ipv6 addresslist This command will list all of the IPv6 addresses currently assigned to the system
network ip interface ipv6 addressremove Remove an IPv6 address from a given VMkernel network interface.
network ip interface ipv6get Get IPv6 settings for VMkernel network interfaces. This does not include the IPv6 addresses which can be found in the "address list" command.
network ip interface ipv6set Configure IPv6 settings for a given VMkernel network interface.
network ip interfacelist This command will list the VMkernel network interfaces currently known to the system.
network ip interfaceremove Remove a VMkernel network interface from the ESXi host. A VMKernel network interface can be uniquely specified by --interface-name or --portgroup-name or --dvs-name/--dvport-id. i.e. Providing its name or its connection point are two ways to uniquely specify a VMKernel network interface.
network ip interfaceset This command sets the enabled status and MTU size of a given IP interface
network ip interface tagadd Adds a tag on a given VMkernel network interface. Supported tags are: Management, VMotion, faultToleranceLogging, vSphereReplication, vSphereReplicationNFC, vSphereProvisioning, VSAN, VSANWitness
network ip interface tagget Gets the tags set on the given VMkernel network interface.
network ip interface tagremove Removes a tag on a given VMkernel network interface.
network ip ipsec saadd Add a Security Association.
network ip ipsec salist List configured Security Associations
network ip ipsec saremove Operation to remove Security Association(s)
network ip ipsec spadd Add a Security Policy.
network ip ipsec splist List configured Security Policys
network ip ipsec spremove Operation to remove Security Policy
network ip neighborlist List ARP table entries
network ip neighborremove Remove ARP table entries
network ip netstackadd Add a new Netstack Instance.
network ip netstackget Get runtime/configuration settings for a given Netstack Instance.
network ip netstacklist This command will list the VMkernel Netstack instances currently known to the system.
network ip netstackremove Remove a new Netstack Instance.
network ip netstackset Configure settings for a given Netstack Instance.
network ip route ipv4add Add IPv4 route to the VMkernel.
network ip route ipv4list List configured IPv4 routes
network ip route ipv4remove Remove IPv4 route
network ip route ipv6add Add IPv6 route to the VMkernel.
network ip route ipv6list List configured IPv6 routes
network ip route ipv6remove Remove IPv6 route from the VMkernel
network ipset Update global IP settings
network multicast grouplist List all the multicast group members.
network nic coalesceget Get coalesce parameters
network nic coalesce highget Get information about the behavior of a NIC when it sends or receives packets at high packet rate.
network nic coalesce highset Set parameters to control the behavior of a NIC when it sends or receives packets at high packet rate.
network nic coalesce lowget Get information about the behavior of a NIC when it sends or receives packets at low packet rate.
network nic coalesce lowset Set parameters to control the behavior of a NIC when it sends or receives packets at low packet rate.
network nic coalesceset Set coalesce parameters on a nic
network nic csoget Get checksum offload settings
network nic csoset Set checksum offload settings on a nic
network nicdown Bring down the specified network device.
network nic eepromchange Change EEPROM on a nic
network nic eepromdump Dump device EEPROM
network nicget Get the generic configuration of a network device
network niclist This command will list the Physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system.
network nic negotiaterestart Restart N-Way negotiation on a nic
network nic pauseParamslist List pause parameters of all NICs
network nic pauseParamsset Set pause parameters for a NIC
network nic queue countget Get netqueue count on a nic
network nic queue countset Set number of netqueues on a nic
network nic queue filterclasslist List the netqueue supported filterclass of all physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system.
network nic queue loadbalancerlist List the netqueue load balancer settings of all physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system. Setting legend as follows, S: Setting supported by device U: Setting unsupported by device N: Setting not applicable to device A: Setting allowed at load balancing D: Setting disallowed at load balancing
network nic queue loadbalancer pluginlist Details of netqueue balancer plugins on all physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system
network nic queue loadbalancer pluginset Enable/disable netqueue balancer plugin on a NIC
network nic queue loadbalancerset Enable/disable netqueue load balancer setting on a NIC.
network nic queue loadbalancer statelist Netqueue balancer state of all physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system
network nic queue loadbalancer stateset Enable/disable netqueue balancer on a NIC
network nic registerdump Dump device registers
network nic ring currentget Get current RX/TX ring buffer parameters of a NIC
network nic ring currentset Set current RX/TX ring buffer parameters of a NIC
network nic ring presetget Get preset RX/TX ring buffer parameters of a NIC
network nic selftestrun Run self test
network nicset Set the general options for the specified ethernet device.
network nic sgget Get scatter-gather settings
network nic sgset Set scatter-gatter settings on a nic
network nic softwarelist List software simulation settings of physical NICs currently installed and loaded on the system.
network nic softwareset Enable and disable software simulation settings on a NIC.
network nic statsget Get NIC statistics for a given interface.
network nic tsoget Get TCP segmentation offload settings
network nic tsoset Set TCP segmentation offload settings on a nic
network nicup Bring up the specified network device.
network nic vlan statsget List VLAN statistics for active VLAN's on the NIC.
network nic vlan statsset Enable/disable VLAN statistics collection on the NIC.
network port filter statsget Filter statistics for a given port.
network port statsget Packet statistics for a given port.
network sriovniclist This command will list the SRIOV Enabled NICs (PFs) currently installed and loaded on the system.
network sriovnic vflist Get the generic configuration of VFs for SRIOV NIC.
network sriovnic vfstats Get statistics for given VF of a SRIOV NIC.
network vmlist List networking information for the VM's that have active ports.
network vm portlist List of active ports for a given VM.
network vswitch dvs vmware lacp configget Get LACP configuration on DVS
network vswitch dvs vmware lacp statsget Get LACP stats on DVS uplinks
network vswitch dvs vmware lacp statusget Get LACP status on DVS
network vswitch dvs vmware lacp timeoutset Set long/short timeout for vmnics in one LACP LAG
network vswitch dvs vmwarelist List the VMware vSphere Distributed Switch currently configured on the ESXi host.
network vswitch standardadd Add a new virtual switch to the ESXi networking system.
network vswitch standardlist List the virtual switches current on the ESXi host.
network vswitch standard policy failoverget Get the failover policy settings governing the given virtual switch
network vswitch standard policy failoverset Configure the Failover policy for a virtual switch.
network vswitch standard policy securityget Get the Security Policy governing the given virtual switch.
network vswitch standard policy securityset Set the security policy for a given virtual switch
network vswitch standard policy shapingget Get the shaping policy settings for the given virtual switch
network vswitch standard policy shapingset Set the shaping policy settings for the given virtual switch
network vswitch standard portgroupadd Allows the addition of a standard port group to a virtual switch.
network vswitch standard portgrouplist List all of the port groups currently on the system.
network vswitch standard portgroup policy failoverget Get the network failover policy settings governing the given port group
network vswitch standard portgroup policy failoverset Configure the Failover policy for a port group. These setting may potentially override virtual switch settings.
network vswitch standard portgroup policy securityget Get the Security Policy governing the given port group.
network vswitch standard portgroup policy securityset Set the security policy for a given port group
network vswitch standard portgroup policy shapingget Get the network shaping policy settings governing the given port group
network vswitch standard portgroup policy shapingset Set the shaping policy settings for the given port group
network vswitch standard portgroupremove Remove a port group from the given virtual switch
network vswitch standard portgroupset Set the vlan id for the given port group
network vswitch standardremove Remove a virtual switch from the ESXi networking system.
network vswitch standardset This command sets the MTU size and CDP status of a given virtual switch.
network vswitch standard uplinkadd Add an uplink to the given virtual switch. Note if this virtual switch has a NIC teaming policy assigned to it then the policy must also be modified to enable use of this uplink on this virtual switch
network vswitch standard uplinkremove Remove an uplink from the given virtual switch. Note if this virtual switch has a NIC teaming policy assigned to it then the policy must also be modified to disable use of this uplink on this virtual switch
nvme device controllerlist List all controllers on the device if namespace is not specified, otherwise list all controllers the namespace attached
nvme device feature aecget Get NVMe device feature async event configuration information
nvme device feature aecset Set NVMe device feature async event configuration information
nvme device feature apstget Get NVMe device feature autonomous power state transition information
nvme device feature arget Get NVMe device feature arbitration information
nvme device feature arset Set NVMe device feature arbitration information
nvme device featurecap Get NVMe device feature supported capabilities information
nvme device feature erget Get NVMe device feature error recovery information
nvme device feature erset Set NVMe device feature error recovery information
nvme device feature higet Get NVMe device feature host identifier information
nvme device feature hmbget Get NVMe device feature host memory buffer information
nvme device feature icget Get NVMe device feature interrupt coalescing information
nvme device feature icset Set NVMe device feature interrupt coalescing information
nvme device feature ivcget Get NVMe device feature interrupt vector configuration information
nvme device feature ivcset Set NVMe device feature interrupt vector configuration information
nvme device feature katget Get NVMe device feature keep alive timer information
nvme device feature katset Set NVMe device feature keep alive timer information
nvme device feature lbaget Get NVMe device feature LBA range type information
nvme device feature nqget Get NVMe device feature number of queue information
nvme device feature pmget Get NVMe device feature power management information
nvme device feature pmset Set NVMe device feature power management information
nvme device feature spmget Get NVMe device feature software progress marker information
nvme device feature spmset Set software progress marker feature information, will clear Pre-boot Software Load Count (PBSLC) to 0
nvme device feature ttget Get NVMe device feature temperature threshold information
nvme device feature ttset Set NVMe device feature temperature threshold information
nvme device feature vwcget Get NVMe device feature volatile write cache information
nvme device feature vwcset Set NVMe device feature volatile write cache information
nvme device feature waget Get NVMe device feature write atomicity information
nvme device feature waset Set NVMe device feature write atomicity information
nvme device firmwareactivate Commit downloaded firmware image to a specific slot
nvme device firmwaredownload Download firmware image to the device
nvme deviceget Get NVMe device information
nvme devicelist List NVMe devices registered to VMware NVMe driver
nvme device log errorget Get NVMe device error log information
nvme device log fwslotget Get NVMe device firmware slot log information
nvme device log smartget Get NVMe device SMART log information
nvme device namespaceattach Attach namespace on NVMe device
nvme device namespacecreate Create namespace on NVMe device
nvme device namespacedelete Delete namespace on NVMe device
nvme device namespacedetach Detach namespace on NVMe device
nvme device namespaceformat Change namespace format
nvme device namespaceget Get nvme namespace information
nvme device namespacelist List namespace on NVMe device
nvme device registerget Dump NVMe device registers
nvme device timeoutget Get timeout value of IO timeout checker
nvme device timeoutset Set timeout value for IO timeout checker
nvme driver loglevelset Set NVMe driver log level and debug level
rdma devicelist List the logical RDMA devices currently registered on the system.
rdma device protocollist List the enabled RDMA protocols.
rdma device statsget Get statistics for a given RDMA device.
rdma device vmkniclist List the vmknics associated with RDMA devices.
rdma iseradd Add an iser device to enable iser module driver.
rdma iserdelete Delete an iser logical device.
sched reliablememget Check if the system is currently aware of reliable memory.
sched swap systemget Get current state of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.
sched swap systemset Change the configuration of system-wide shared swap space.
software acceptanceget Gets the host acceptance level. This controls what VIBs will be allowed on a host.
software acceptanceset Sets the host acceptance level. This controls what VIBs will be allowed on a host.
software profileget Display the installed image profile.
software profileinstall Installs or applies an image profile from a depot to this host. This command completely replaces the installed image with the image defined by the new image profile, and may result in the loss of installed VIBs. The common vibs between host and image profile will be skipped. To preserve installed VIBs, use profile update instead. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first.
software profileupdate Updates the host with VIBs from an image profile in a depot. Installed VIBs may be upgraded (or downgraded if --allow-downgrades is specified), but they will not be removed. Any VIBs in the image profile which are not related to any installed VIBs will be added to the host. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first.
software profilevalidate Validates the current image profile on the host against an image profile in a depot.
software sources profileget Display details about an image profile from the depot.
software sources profilelist List all the image profiles in a depot.
software sources vibget Displays detailed information about one or more VIB packages in the depot
software sources viblist List all the VIBs from depots.
software vibget Displays detailed information about one or more installed VIBs
software vibinstall Installs VIB packages from a URL or depot. VIBs may be installed, upgraded, or downgraded. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first.
software viblist Lists the installed VIB packages
software vibremove Removes VIB packages from the host. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first.
software vib signatureverify Verifies the signatures of installed VIB packages and displays the name, version, vendor, acceptance level and the result of signature verification for each of them
software vibupdate Update installed VIBs to newer VIB packages. No new VIBs will be installed, only updates. WARNING: If your installation requires a reboot, you need to disable HA first.
storage core adapter capabilitieslist List the capabilities of the SCSI HBAs in the system.
storage core adapter devicelist List the devices associated with HBAs.
storage core adapterlist List all the SCSI Host Bus Adapters on the system.
storage core adapterrescan Rescan SCSI HBAs to search for new Devices, remove DEAD paths and update path state. This operation will also run an claim operation equivalent to the claimrule run command and a filesystem rescan.
storage core adapter statsget List the SCSI stats for the SCSI Host Bus Adapters in the system.
storage core claimingautoclaim Control the automatic PSA (path/device) claiming code allowing the disabling of the automatic claiming process or re-enabling of the claiming process if it was previously disabled. By default the automatic PSA claiming process is on and should not be disabled by users unless specifically instructed to do so.
storage core claimingreclaim Attempt to unclaim all paths to a device and then run the loaded claimrules on each of the paths unclaimed to attempt to reclaim them.
storage core claimingunclaim 1) Unclaim a path or set of paths, disassociating them from a PSA plugin. NOTES: It is normal for path claiming to fail especially when unclaiming by plugin or adapter. Only inactive paths with no I/O will be able to be unclaimed. Typically the ESXi USB partition and devices with VMFS volumes on them will not be unclaimable. Also NOTE unclaiming will not persist and periodic path claiming will reclaim these paths in the near future unless claim rules are configured to mask the path. 2) Detach a (set of) filter(s) from one or more devices.
storage core claimruleadd Add a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.
storage core claimruleconvert Convert ESX 3.x style /adv/Disk/MaskLUNs LUN masks to Claim Rule format. WARNING: This conversion will not work for all input MaskLUNs variations! Please inspect the list of generated claim rules carefuly, then if the suggested LUN mask claim rules are correct use the --commit parameter to write the list to the config file.
storage core claimrulelist List all the claimrules on the system.
storage core claimruleload Load path claiming rules from config file into the VMkernel.
storage core claimrulemove Move a claimrule from one rule id to another
storage core claimruleremove Delete a claimrule to the set of claimrules on the system.
storage core claimrulerun Execute path claiming rules.
storage core device capacitylist List capacity information for the known storage devices.
storage core device detachedlist Lists all devices that were detached manually by changing their state on the system.
storage core device detachedremove Provide control to allow a user to remove Detached devices from the persistent detached device list.
storage core device inquirycachelist List inquiry cache information for the known storage devices.
storage core device inquirycacheset Manipulate inquiry cache settings of storage devices.
storage core device latencythresholdlist List latency sensitive threshold for the known storage devices.
storage core device latencythresholdset Set device's latency sensitive threshold (in milliseconds). If IO latency exceeds the threshold, new IOs will use default IO scheduler.
storage core devicelist List the devices currently registered with the PSA.
storage core device partitionlist For a given device list all of the partitions
storage core device partitionshowguid For a given device list the GUID for GPT partitions
storage core device physicalget Get information about a physical storage device.
storage core devicepurge Removes storage devices which have not been seen in some time interval.
storage core device raidlist List the physical devices that compose a given logical device.
storage core deviceset Provide control to allow a user to modify a SCSI device's state.
storage core devicesetconfig Set device configuration
storage core device smartget List Smart device parameters.
storage core device statsget List the SCSI stats for SCSI Devices in the system.
storage core device uidmaplist Get a mapping between a device's primary UID and the alternative UIDs for that device on the system.
storage core device vaai atslist List the ATS VAAI attributes (as per SCSI standard) for the devices.
storage core device vaai clonelist List the Clone VAAI attributes (as per SCSI standard) for the devices.
storage core device vaai deletelist List the Delete VAAI attributes (as per SCSI standard) for the devices.
storage core device vaai statusget List VAAI properties for devices currently registered with the PSA.
storage core device vaai statusset Enable/Disable VAAI operations on local SCSI disks. (NOTE: A request to enable an operation will take effect only if the underlying device supports the VAAI operation.)
storage core device vaai zerolist List the Zero VAAI attributes (as per SCSI standard) for the devices.
storage core device worldlist Get a list of the worlds that are currently using devices on the ESX host.
storage core pathlist List all the SCSI paths on the system.
storage core pathset Provide control to allow a user to modify a single path's state. This efffectively allows a user to enable or disable SCSI paths. The user is not able to change the full range of path states, but can toggle between 'active' and 'off'. Please NOTE changing the Path state on any path that is the only path to a given device is likely to fail. The VMkernel will not change the path's state if changing the state would cause an 'All paths down' state or the device is currently in use.
storage core path statsget List the SCSI stats for the SCSI Paths in the system.
storage core pluginlist List loaded PSA plugins on the system.
storage core plugin registrationadd Register a plugin module with PSA.
storage core plugin registrationlist List modules currently registered with PSA.
storage core plugin registrationremove UnRegister a plugin module with PSA.
storage filesystemautomount Request mounting of known datastores not explicitly unmounted.
storage filesystemlist List the volumes available to the host. This includes VMFS, NAS, VFAT and UFS partitions.
storage filesystemmount Connect to and mount an unmounted volume on the ESX host.
storage filesystemrescan Scan storage devices for new mountable filesystems.
storage filesystemunmount Disconnect and unmount and existing VMFS or NAS volume. This will not delete the configuration for the volume, but will remove the volume from the list of mounted volumes.
storage hpp devicelist List the devices currently controlled by the VMware High Performance Plugin.
storage hpp deviceset Configure settings for an HPP device.
storage hpp device usermarkedssdlist List the devices that were marked as SSD by user.
storage hpp pathlist List the paths currently claimed by the VMware High Performance Plugin
storage iofilterenable Enable an iofilter.
storage iofilterlist List the iofilters installed on this host.
storage nfsadd Add a new NAS volume to the ESX Host and mount it with the given volume name.
storage nfslist List the NAS volumes currently known to the ESX host.
storage nfs paramget Get the volume parameters of the NAS volumes.
storage nfs paramset Set the volume parameters of the NAS volumes.
storage nfsremove Remove an existing NAS volume from the ESX host.
storage nfs41add Add a new NFS v4.1 volume to the ESX Host and mount it with the given volume name.
storage nfs41list List the NFS v4.1 volumes currently known to the ESX host.
storage nfs41 paramget Get the volume parameters of the NFS v4.1 volumes.
storage nfs41 paramset Set the volume parameters of the NFS v4.1 volumes.
storage nfs41remove Remove an existing NFS v4.1 volume from the ESX host.
storage nmp devicelist List the devices currently controlled by the VMware NMP Multipath Plugin and show the SATP and PSP information associated with that device.
storage nmp deviceset Allow setting of the Path Selection Policy (PSP) for the given device to one of the loaded policies on the system.
storage nmp pathlist List the paths currently claimed by the VMware NMP Multipath Plugin and show the SATP and PSP information associated with that path.
storage nmp psp fixed deviceconfigget Allow retrieving of Fixed Path Selection Policy settings for a given device.
storage nmp psp fixed deviceconfigset Allow setting of the perferred path on a given device controlled by the Fixed Path Selection Policy.
storage nmp psp generic deviceconfigget Allow retrieving of per device PSP configuration parameters.
storage nmp psp generic deviceconfigset Allow setting of per device PSP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given device with whichever PSP it is currently configurated with.
storage nmp psp generic pathconfigget Allow retrieving of per path PSP configuration parameters.
storage nmp psp generic pathconfigset Allow setting of per path PSP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given path with whichever PSP it is currently configurated with.
storage nmp psplist List the Path Selection Plugins (PSP) that are currently loaded into the NMP system and display information about those PSPs
storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfigget Allow retrieving of Round Robin Path Selection Policy settings for a given device.
storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfigset Allow setting of the Round Robin path options on a given device controlled by the Round Robin Selection Policy.
storage nmp satp generic deviceconfigget Allow retrieving of per device SATP configuration parameters.
storage nmp satp generic deviceconfigset Allow setting of per device SATP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given device with whichever SATP it is currently configurated with.
storage nmp satp generic pathconfigget Allow retrieving of per path SATP configuration parameters.
storage nmp satp generic pathconfigset Allow setting of per path SATP configuration parameters. This command will set the configuration for the given path with whichever SATP it is currently configurated with.
storage nmp satplist List the Storage Array Type Plugins (SATP) that are currently loaded into the NMP system and display information about those SATPs
storage nmp satp ruleadd Add a rule to the list of claim rules for the given SATP.
storage nmp satp rulelist List the claiming rules for Storage Array Type Plugins (SATP)
storage nmp satp ruleremove Delete a rule from the list of claim rules for the given SATP.
storage nmp satpset Set the default Path Selection Policy for a given Storage Array Type Plugin (SATP).
storage san fc eventsclear Clear events for a given FC adapter on the system.
storage san fc eventsget Get Events for FC Devices
storage san fclist List attributes of all FC adapters on the system.
storage san fcreset Perform LIP (Loop Initiation Primitive) Reset to a given FC adapter on the system.
storage san fc statsget Get statistics for a given FC adapter, or all FC adapters on the system.
storage san fcoelist List attributes of all FCoE adapters on the system.
storage san fcoereset Perform LIP (Loop Initiation Primitive) Reset to a given FCoE adapter on the system.
storage san fcoe statsget Get statistics for a given FCoE adapter, or all FCoE adapters on the system.
storage san iscsilist List attributes of all Software iSCSI adapters on the system.
storage san iscsi statsget Get statistics for Software iSCSI adapter.
storage san saslist List all SAS IO Device Management devices.
storage san sasreset Perform SAS Reset
storage san sas statsget List Stats for given device, or all devices.
storage vflash cacheget Get individual vflash cache info.
storage vflash cachelist List individual vflash caches.
storage vflash cache statsget Get vflash cache statistics.
storage vflash cache statsreset Reset vflash cache statistics.
storage vflash devicelist List vflash SSD devices.
storage vflash moduleget Get vflash module info.
storage vflash modulelist List vflash modules.
storage vflash module statsget Get vflash module statistics
storage vmfs extentlist List the VMFS extents available on the host.
storage vmfs hostlist List hosts accessing a particular VMFS Volume.
storage vmfs lockmodelist List the on-disk critical section locking mode for VMFS volumes available on this host.
storage vmfs lockmodeset Update the on-disk critical section locking mode for a particular VMFS Volume.
storage vmfs pbcacheget Get VMFS Pointer Block cache statistics.
storage vmfs pbcachereset Reset the VMFS Pointer Block cache statistics.
storage vmfs reclaim configget Get space reclamation configuration parameters
storage vmfs reclaim configset Set space reclamation configuration parameters
storage vmfs snapshot extentlist List extents of unresolved snapshots/replicas of VMFS volume.
storage vmfs snapshotlist List unresolved snapshots/replicas of VMFS volume.
storage vmfs snapshotmount Mount a snapshot/replica of a VMFS volume.
storage vmfs snapshotresignature Resignature a snapshot/replica of a VMFS volume.
storage vmfsunmap Reclaim the space by unmapping free blocks from VMFS Volume
storage vmfsupgrade Upgrade a VMFS3 volume to VMFS5.
storage vvol daemonunbindall Unbind all Virtual Volumes from all VASA Providers known to this host.
storage vvol protocolendpointlist List the VVol Protocol EndPoints currently known to this host.
storage vvol storagecontainer abandonedvvolscan Scans the specified storage container for abandoned VVols.
storage vvol storagecontainerlist List VVol storage containers known to this host.
storage vvol vasacontextget Get the VVol VASA Context (vCenter UUID).
storage vvol vasaproviderlist List the VASA Providers registered on this host.
system accountadd Create a new local user account.
system accountlist List local user accounts.
system accountremove Remove an existing local user account.
system accountset Modify an existing local user account.
system auditrecordsget Information about audit record recording.
system auditrecords localdisable Disable audit record recording.
system auditrecords localenable Enable audit record recording.
system auditrecords localset Configure audit record recording.
system auditrecords remotedisable Disable audit record handling for remote hosts.
system auditrecords remoteenable Enable audit record handling for remote hosts.
system boot deviceget Get the systems boot device.
system clockget Display the current system clock parameters.
system clockset Set system clock parameters.
system coredump fileadd Create a VMkernel Dump VMFS file for this system.
system coredump fileget Get the dump file path. This command will print the path to the active and/or configured VMFS Dump File.
system coredump filelist List the active and configured VMFS Diagnostic Files.
system coredump fileremove Remove a VMkernel Dump VMFS file from this system.
system coredump fileset Set the active and configured VMkernel Dump VMFS file for this system.
system coredump networkcheck Check the status of the configured network dump server
system coredump networkget Get the currently configured parameters for network coredump, if enabled.
system coredump networkset Set the parameters used for network core dump
system coredump partitionget Get one of the dump partition configured values. This command will print either the active dump partition or the configured dump partition depending on the flags passed.
system coredump partitionlist List all of the partitions on the system that have a partition type matching the VMware Core partition type. Also indicate which partition, if any, is being used as the system's dump partition and which is configured to be used at next boot.
system coredump partitionset Set the specific VMkernel dump partition for this system. This will configure the dump partition for the next boot. This command will change the active dump partition to the partition specified.
system hostnameget Get the host, domain or fully qualified name of the ESX host.
system hostnameset This command allows the user to set the hostname, domain name or fully qualified domain name of the ESX host.
system maintenanceModeget Get the maintenance mode state of the system.
system maintenanceModeset Enable or disable the maintenance mode of the system.
system moduleget Show information for a VMkernel module.
system modulelist List the VMkernel modules that the system knows about.
system moduleload Load a VMkernel module with the given name if it is enabled. If the module is disabled then the use of --force is required to load the module.
system module parameterscopy Copy the load time parameters from one VMkernel module to another.
system module parameterslist List the parameters, a descriptions of each parameter supported for a given module name and the user defined value for each parameter.
system module parametersset Set the load time parameters for the given VMkernel module.
system moduleset Allow enabling and disabling of a VMkernel module.
system permissionlist List permissions defined on the host.
system permissionset Set permission for a user or group.
system permissionunset Remove permission for a user or group.
system processlist List the VMkernel UserWorld processes currently on the host.
system process stats loadget System load average over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
system process stats runningget Number of currently running processes.
system secpolicy domainlist List the enforcement level for each domain.
system secpolicy domainset Set the enforcement level for a domain in the system. Any option specified here is not persistent and will not survive a reboot of the system.
system security certificatestoreadd Add a new CA certificate to the CA certificate store.
system security certificatestorelist List all certificates in the CA certificate store.
system security certificatestoreremove Remove a certificate from the CA certificate store.
system security fips140 rhttpproxyget Get FIPS140 mode of rhttpproxy.
system security fips140 rhttpproxyset Set FIPS140 mode of rhttpproxy.
system security fips140 sshget Get FIPS140 mode of ssh.
system security fips140 sshset Set FIPS140 mode of ssh.
system settings advancedlist List the advanced options available from the VMkernel.
system settings advancedset Set the value of an advanced option.
system settings kernellist List VMkernel kernel settings.
system settings kernelset Set a VMKernel setting.
system settings keyboard layoutget Get the keyboard layout
system settings keyboard layoutlist List the keyboard layout
system settings keyboard layoutset Set the keyboard layout
system shutdownpoweroff Power off the system. The host must be in maintenance mode.
system shutdownreboot Reboot the system. The host must be in maintenance mode.
system slpsearch Perform SLP search for neighboring services
system slp statsget Report operational state of Service Location Protocol Daemon
system snmpget Get SNMP Agent configuration
system snmphash Generate localized hash values based on this agents snmp engine id.
system snmpset This command allows the user to set up ESX SNMP agent.
system snmptest Verify ESX SNMP notifications can be delivered to target destinations.
system stats installtimeget Display the date and time when this system was first installed. Value will not change on subsequent updates.
system stats uptimeget Display the number of microseconds the system has been running.
system syslog configget Show the current global configuration values.
system syslog config loggerlist Show the currently configured sub-loggers.
system syslog config loggerset Set configuration options for a specific sub-logger.
system syslog configset Set global log configuration options.
system syslogmark Issue a message to all outputs.
system syslogreload Reload the log daemon to apply any new configuration options.
system timeget Disply the current system time.
system timeset Set the system clock time. Any missing parameters will default to the current time
system uuidget Get the system UUID.
system versionget Display the product name, version and build information.
system visorfsget Obtain status information on the memory filesystem as a whole.
system visorfs ramdiskadd Add a new Visorfs RAM disk to the ESXi Host and mount it.
system visorfs ramdisklist List the RAM disks used by the host.
system visorfs ramdiskremove Remove a Visorfs RAM disk from the ESXi Host.
system visorfs tardisklist List the tardisks used by the host.
system wbemget Display WBEM Agent configuration.
system wbem providerlist Display WBEM provider configuration.
system wbem providerset This command is used to manage ESX CIMOM providers.
system wbemset This command allows the user to set up ESX CIMOM agent.
system welcomemsgget Get the Welcome Message for DCUI.
system welcomemsgset Set the Welcome Message for DCUI.
vm processkill Used to forcibly kill Virtual Machines that are stuck and not responding to normal stop operations.
vm processlist List the virtual machines on this system. This command currently will only list running VMs on the system.
vsan clusterget Get information about the vSAN cluster that this host is joined to.
vsan clusterjoin Join the host to a vSAN cluster.
vsan clusterleave Leave the vSAN cluster the host is currently joined to.
vsan clusternew Create a vSAN cluster with current host joined. A random sub-cluster UUID will be generated.
vsan cluster preferredfaultdomainget Get the preferred fault domain for a stretched cluster.
vsan cluster preferredfaultdomainset Set the preferred fault domain for a stretched cluster.
vsan clusterrestore Restore the persisted vSAN cluster configuration.
vsan cluster unicastagentadd Add a unicast agent to the vSAN cluster configuration.
vsan cluster unicastagentclear Removes all unicast agents in the vSAN cluster configuration.
vsan cluster unicastagentlist List all unicast agents in the vSAN cluster configuration.
vsan cluster unicastagentremove Remove a unicast agent from the vSAN cluster configuration.
vsan cmmds timemachineget Get vSAN CMMDS time machine configuration.
vsan cmmds timemachineset Configure vSAN CMMDS time machine.
vsan datastoreadd Add a new datastore to the vSAN cluster. This operation is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, add should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
vsan datastoreclear Remove all but the default datastore from the vSAN cluster. This operation is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, add should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
vsan datastorelist List datastores in the vSAN cluster.
vsan datastore nameget Get vSAN datastore name.
vsan datastore nameset Configure vSAN datastore name. In general, rename should always be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastore name should be in sync.
vsan datastoreremove Remove a datastore from the vSAN cluster. This operation is only allowed if vSAN is enabled on the host. In general, remove should be done at cluster level. Across a vSAN cluster vSAN datastores should be in sync.
vsan debug advcfglist List all advanced configuration options with non-default values.
vsan debug controllerlist Print detailed information about all vSAN disk controllers (output may change between releases)
vsan debug disklist Print detailed information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
vsan debug diskoverview Print overview information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
vsan debug disk summaryget Print summary information about all vSAN disks in the cluster.
vsan debug evacuationprecheck Examine what it takes if an entity (disk group or host) is evacuated in various modes (Action). The result is accurate when all hosts in the vSAN cluster are of the same version and have the same disk format.
vsan debug limitget Print summary information about vSAN limits (output may change between releases)
vsan debug memorylist Print both userworld and kernel memory consumptions of vSAN.
vsan debug mobstart Start vSAN Managed Object Browser Service.
vsan debug mobstatus Query vSAN Managed Object Browser Service is running or not.
vsan debug mobstop Stop vSAN Managed Object Browser Service.
vsan debug object health summaryget Print health summary information about all vSAN objects in the cluster (output may change between releases)
vsan debug objectlist Print detailed information about vSAN objects in the cluster. This command would only show 100 objects at most by default.
vsan debug objectoverview Print overview information about all vSAN objects in the cluster. This command would only show 100 objects at most by default.
vsan debug resynclist Print detailed information about vSAN resyncing objects (output may change between releases)
vsan debug resync summaryget Print summary information about vSAN resyncing objects (output may change between releases)
vsan debug vmdklist Print summary information about VMDKs on local vSAN datastore (output may change between releases)
vsan encryption certget Get encryption KMS server certificate contents.
vsan encryption cert pathlist List encryption certificate file paths.
vsan encryption hostkeyget Get host key from keycache used for vSAN encryption.
vsan encryption infoget Get vSAN encryption infomation.
vsan encryption kmslist List the KMS configurations used for vSAN encryption.
vsan faultdomainget Get the fault domain name for this host.
vsan faultdomainreset Reset Host fault domain to default value
vsan faultdomainset Set the fault domain for this host
vsan health clusterget Get a specific health check status and its details
vsan health clusterlist List a cluster wide health check across all types of health checks
vsan iscsi defaultconfigget Get default values for vSAN iSCSI Target configurations.
vsan iscsi defaultconfigset Set default values for vSAN iSCSI Target configurations.
vsan iscsi homeobjectcreate Create vSAN iSCSI target home object. Once created, the home object will be available for all the hosts in vSAN cluster. vSAN iSCSI target home object should be created only once for the vSAN cluster.
vsan iscsi homeobjectdelete Delete vSAN iSCSI target home object. This operation will destroy all vSAN iSCSI target configuration
vsan iscsi homeobjectget Get status for the vSAN iSCSI target home object
vsan iscsi homeobjectset Update configuration for the vSAN iSCSI target home object
vsan iscsi initiatorgroupadd Add a new initiator group. An initiator group is a collection of iSCSI initiator hosts. A LUN can be exposed to multiple initiators via initiator group.
vsan iscsi initiatorgroupget Get initiator group properties.
vsan iscsi initiatorgroup initiatoradd Add new initiator iSCSI names to the vSAN iSCSI initiator group.
vsan iscsi initiatorgroup initiatorremove Remove initiator iSCSI names from the vSAN iSCSI initiator group.
vsan iscsi initiatorgrouplist Get the list of initiator groups.
vsan iscsi initiatorgroupremove Remove an initiator group. Group should be empty. If you want to remove non-empty group use --force option.
vsan iscsi statusget Gets current status (Enabled or Disabled).
vsan iscsi statusset Enable or disable iSCSI target support, query status
vsan iscsi targetadd Add a new vSAN iSCSI target.
vsan iscsi targetget Get configuration for vSAN iSCSI target
vsan iscsi targetlist List vSAN iSCSI targets.
vsan iscsi target lunadd Add a new vSAN iSCSI LUN to specified target
vsan iscsi target lunget Get configuration for vSAN iSCSI LUN
vsan iscsi target lunlist List vSAN iSCSI LUNs in specified target.
vsan iscsi target lunremove Remove a vSAN iSCSI LUN from specified target.
vsan iscsi target lunset Update configuration for given vSAN iSCSI target LUN.
vsan iscsi targetremove Remove a vSAN iSCSI target.
vsan iscsi targetset Update configuration of the given iSCSI target.
vsan maintenancemodecancel Cancel an in-progress vSAN maintenance mode operation.
vsan networkclear Clear the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipadd Add an IP interface to the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipremove Remove an IP interface from the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipset Reconfigure an IP interface in the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipv4add Add an IP interface to the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipv4remove Remove an IP interface from the vSAN network configuration.
vsan network ipv4set Reconfigure an IP interface in the vSAN network configuration.
vsan networklist List the network configuration currently in use by vSAN.
vsan networkremove Remove an interface from the vSAN network configuration.
vsan networkrestore Restore the persisted vSAN network configuration.
vsan perf diagnosticget Gets current status about diagnostic mode.
vsan perf diagnosticset Set vSAN diagnostic mode configuration.
vsan perfget Gets current status (Enabled or Disabled).
vsan perfset Set vSAN performance service configuration.
vsan policycleardefault Clear default vSAN storage policy values.
vsan policygetdefault Get default vSAN storage policy values.
vsan policysetdefault Set default vSAN storage policy values.
vsan resync bandwidthget Get information about vSAN resync bandwidth in Mbps for the disk group with the heaviest resync workload.
vsan resync throttleget Get information about vSAN resync throttling
vsan resync throttleset Configure vSAN resync throttling
vsan storageadd Add physical disk for vSAN usage.
vsan storage automodeget Get status of storage auto claim mode.
vsan storage automodeset Configure storage auto claim mode
vsan storage diskgroupmount Mount a vSAN disk or disk group.
vsan storage diskgrouprebuild Rebuild a disk group.
vsan storage diskgroupunmount Unmount vSAN disk or disk group.
vsan storagelist List vSAN storage configuration.
vsan storageremove Remove physical disks from vSAN disk groups.
vsan storage tagadd Add a vSAN storage tag.
vsan storage tagremove Remove a vSAN storage tag.
vsan traceget Get the vSAN tracing configuration.
vsan traceset Configure vSAN trace. Please note: This command is not thread safe.