VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) provides a unified platform for managing hybrid clouds, but the deployment process differs between Greenfield (new) and Brownfield (existing) environments. Brownfield deployment involves integrating pre-existing infrastructure into the VCF framework.

Preparing to Use the VCF Import Tool
The VCF Import Tool is essential for transitioning existing infrastructure into the VCF framework. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing the tool:
- Download the Necessary Files:
- SDDC Manager OVA: The foundation for managing VCF.
- VCF Import Tool: Enables import and integration of existing infrastructure.
- NSX Install Bundle: Configures the networking components for VCF.
- Deploy SDDC Manager:
- This step is necessary for “convert” use cases to establish centralized management within VCF.
- Extract the Import Tool:
- Transfer and configure the import scripts within the SDDC Manager.
- Copy NSX Bundle:
- Ensure the NSX configuration is uploaded for seamless network integration.
Convert Workflow: Transitioning Infrastructure to VCF
The Convert Workflow addresses the challenge of adapting existing environments to align with VCF’s architecture. Follow these steps:
- Verify Prerequisites:
- Confirm that SDDC Manager is running version 5.2 or later.
- Ensure all required files (Import Tool, NSX bundles) are uploaded.
- Run Pre-Check Scripts:
- Validate the current environment using the Import Tool’s pre-check capabilities. This step identifies configuration issues or incompatibilities.
- Create NSX JSON:
- Generate a JSON file to map the existing network configurations into VCF’s NSX environment.
- Convert Management Domain:
- This final step transitions the management domain to align with VCF’s integrated control and automation.
Import Workflow: Integrating Existing Components
For specific components or domains, the Import Workflow provides a framework to incorporate them into VCF:
- Check Prerequisites:
- Confirm readiness by ensuring the infrastructure meets the required configurations.
- Generate NSX JSON:
- Map existing NSX configurations into a JSON format suitable for VCF integration.
- Import Workload Domains:
- Import and integrate vSphere and NSX components into the VCF ecosystem.
Sync Workflow: Maintaining Infrastructure Alignment
The Sync Workflow ensures continued alignment between the existing infrastructure and VCF:
- Verify Prerequisites:
- Confirm that SDDC Manager is operational and all required scripts are present.
- Sync Workload Domain:
- Synchronize the workload domains with VCF’s management systems, ensuring consistency and reliability.
VCF Import Tool Options and Parameters
Below is an overview of the key actions and parameters available in the VCF Import Tool:
1. Help and Version Commands
-h, --help
Displays the help menu for the VCF Import Tool, outlining available commands and their usage.-v, --version
Shows the current version of the VCF Import Tool.
2. Core Actions for Brownfield Deployments
Converts an existing vSphere infrastructure into a management domain within SDDC Manager.check
Validates if a vCenter is suitable for import as a workload domain in SDDC Manager.import
Imports an existing vCenter as a VI workload domain into SDDC Manager.
3. Sync and Deployment Operations
Synchronizes configuration between an imported VI workload domain or a workload domain deployed from SDDC Manager. This helps manage configuration drift between vCenter Server and SDDC Manager.deploy-nsx
Deploys NSX Manager as a standalone operation. This is useful for preparing networking configurations for workload domains.precheck
Runs validation checks on a vCenter to identify any potential issues before starting the import or conversion process.