Tanzu & Kubernetes for vSphere Admins: Complete…

Tanzu & Kubernetes for vSphere Admins: Complete Guided Workshop (HOL-2413-01-SDC)

Tanzu & Kubernetes for vSphere Admins: Complete…

Link to Lab: https://userui.learningplatform.vmware.com/HOL/catalog/lab/13926 🌟 Welcome to our VMware Expert-Led Guided Workshop Series! 🌟 In this series, you’ll explore various VMware Hands-On Labs, each led by our team of VMware experts. Dive deep into different VMware solutions, gaining hands-on experience and valuable insights! 🔹 Featured Lab: Tanzu and Kubernetes for vSphere Administrators (HOL-2413-01-SDC) 🔹 This workshop covers: 1️⃣ Module 1: Introduction to vSphere with Tanzu (30 min, Level: Intermediate) Get started with the basics of vSphere and Tanzu integration. 2️⃣ Module 2: What’s New for vSphere 8 Update 1 (15 min, Level: Beginner) Discover the latest updates and features in vSphere 8. 3️⃣ Module 3: Managing vSphere with Tanzu…Read More

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