Because for Monster SAP HANA VM (1-3 TB RAM) I tuned several AdvSystemSettings.
In the end I was able to speedup vMotion 4x times and utilize 2x flow with 40 Gbps – VIC 1340 with PE.
Inspiration was:
- Multiple-NIC vMotion in vSphere (2007467)
- VMworld 2017 – SER1494BU Encrypted vMotion
- vMotion multi-threading and other tuning settings
- How to Tune vMotion for Lower Migration Times?
It is in production from 04/2018, My tuned final settings is:

AdvSystemSettings | Default | Tunning | Desc |
Migrate.VMotionStreamHelpers | 0 | 8 | Number of helpers to allocate for VMotion streams |
Net.NetNetqTxPackKpps | 300 | 600 | Max TX queue load (in thousand packet per second) to allow packing on the corresponding RX queue |
Net.NetNetqTxUnpackKpps | 600 | 1200 | Threshold (in thousand packet per second) for TX queue load to trigger unpacking of the corresponding RX queue |
Net.MaxNetifTxQueueLen | 2000 | 10000 | Maximum length of the Tx queue for the physical NICs – toto stačí pro urychlení VM komunikace |