Multiple-NIC vMotion tunning 2x 40Gbps

Because for Monster SAP HANA VM (1-3 TB RAM) I tuned several AdvSystemSettings.

In the end I was able to speedup vMotion 4x times and utilize 2x flow with 40 Gbps – VIC 1340 with PE.

Inspiration was:

It is in production from 04/2018, My tuned final settings is:

Migrate.VMotionStreamHelpers08Number of helpers to allocate for VMotion streams
Net.NetNetqTxPackKpps300600Max TX queue load (in thousand packet per second) to allow packing on the corresponding RX queue
Net.NetNetqTxUnpackKpps6001200Threshold (in thousand packet per second) for TX queue load to trigger unpacking of the corresponding RX queue
Net.MaxNetifTxQueueLen200010000Maximum length of the Tx queue for the physical NICs – toto stačí pro urychlení VM komunikace