New Cisco UCS firmware brings possibility to have notification about F1705 Alerts – Rank VLS.

In latest version of Cisco UCS Manager Plugin for VMware vSphere HTML Client (Version 4.0(0)) we could add Custom fault addition for proactive HA monitoring. How to do it?
Cisco UCS / Proactive HA Registration / Registered Fault / Add / ADDDC_Memory_Rank_VLS
If You can’t Add, it is necessary to Unregister UCSM Manager Plugin.

Cisco UCS / Proactive HA Registration / vCenter server credentials / Register

How Could I check it? Edit Proactive HA / Providers

Adding Custom Alert is only possible with unregistered Cisco UCS Provider, it is better to do it immediatly after Cisco UCS Manager Plugin instalation.
Now I can deceided If I will block F1705 or NOT. I personaly preffer to have F1705 Alert under Proactive HA. Then I only restart Blades with F1705. During reboot Hard-PPR permanently remaps accesses from a designated faulty row to a designated spare row.