⭐️⭐️ The vExpert 2025 Awards – Congratulations…

⭐️⭐️ The vExpert 2025 Awards – Congratulations…

Thank you to everyone who applied for the vExpert program. A special thank you to the vExpert PROs for managing the application voting; it’s a lot of work! We are pleased to announce the list of 2025 vExperts. You can visit the vExpert Directory to see the list and profiles of each vExpert.

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy

Setup HTTPS for OIDC endpoint with Authentik…

Setup HTTPS for OIDC endpoint with Authentik…

If you have been following my recent adventures in playing with both Authentik and Keycloak as an OAuth/OIDC Identity Provider (IdP) for use with vCenter Server or VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) Identity Federation, you can take it one step further and authenticate with a Yubico YubiKey or Apple […]

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy

128GB memory mini PCs is now a reality with…

128GB memory mini PCs is now a reality with…

The long awaited 64GB DDR5 SODIMM memory modules from Crucial was just released this week! 😁 I was so excited about the news, I quickly splurged on a pair of these brand new modules, which are currently priced at $364 USD on Amazon! 😅💰 As of publishing this blog post, there is currently no […]

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy

Quick Tip – Auditing ESXi boot firmware type

Quick Tip – Auditing ESXi boot firmware type

I had a customer that recently reached out asking how they could easily audit their entire ESXi infrastructure to determine which hosts was still booting using the legacy BIOS firmware, which has been deprecated and will be removed in a future vSphere release, in favor of the industry standard […]

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy

VMware vCenter 8.0 U3 Tagging Performance Best…

VMware vCenter 8.0 U3 Tagging Performance Best…

The VMware Cloud Foundation performance engineering team at Broadcom is pleased to announce an updated technical paper on tagging performance best practices for VMware vCenter 8.0 U3. The paper describes some improvements to the performance of various tagging APIs that are available for vCenter [..]

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy

vSAN ESA hardware mock VIB for physical ESXi…

vSAN ESA hardware mock VIB for physical ESXi…

Several weeks back I had shared a solution in which you can install a hardware mock VIB for Nested ESXi when using vSAN Express Storage Architecture (ESA) and VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) to work around the vSAN ESA certified disks pre-check validations. While the majority of my testing uses […]

Broadcom Social Media Advocacy