Tips for navigating and downloading from new…

Tips for navigating and downloading from new Broadcom Support Portal

Tips for navigating and downloading from new…

The Broadcom Support Portal (BSP) is most likely a new interface for many including myself after the planned VMware by Broadcom Day 2 Transition, which was completed on May 6th, 2024. The BSP is used for more than just support, it is the single place for managing your entitlements/licenses, […]

VMware by Broadcom, Social Media Advocacy

Exciting Updates to the VMware Certification…

Exciting Updates to the VMware Certification…

The VMware Certification Program is proud to announce exciting changes to make it more accessible, flexible, and valuable for all participants. Our mission is to empower individuals to validate their skills and knowledge while ensuring that our customers have access to a highly qualified […]

VMware by Broadcom, Social Media Advocacy

Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2…

Useful Links for VMware by Broadcom Day 2…

While today, May 6th, 2024 marks the completion of the “Day 2” transition where VMware’s backend system has been migrated to Broadcom’s backend system, it may still take a few days for all the new systems to fully settle with such a large migration project. There are also some planned post-Day […]

VMware by Broadcom, Social Media Advocacy